New Hartford CSD Health, Energy Efficiency & Academics Capital Project-Gym Floor Ph 1A

MARCH Project Number: 22002.1A


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 12/19/24 3:30pm
Bid Date 1/7/25 3:30pm

Company & Contacts

MARCH Associates, PC
Donna Lahey  


New Hartford, NY

Obtaining Paper Contract Documents: *
Drawings, Specifications and Bid Forms may be obtained at the office of Plan & Print Systems, Inc., Telephone: 315-437-5111, located at 6160 Eastern Avenue, Syracuse, New York, 13211, upon deposit of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). Please forward/mail your deposit checks to Plan & Print Systems for processing, but make the checks payable to “New Hartford Central School District”. Cash will not be acceptable as a deposit for the Contract Documents.

* Only complete sets will be issued.

Contract documents will be delivered via UPS Ground service upon request and receipt of an additional non-refundable delivery and handling charge of $30.00 per set, payable by separate check to Plan & Print Systems, Inc. Contact Plan & Print for shipping and handling costs at (315) 437-5111.